Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Cancellation of the Archon X-Prize for Genomics

I appear to be on a rant roll… 

Why, oh why did the folk organising the Archon X-Prize cancel it? Rather than cancel it, they should have removed the entry fee. Only companies selling sequencing devices and services today can spare important R&D dollars for the entry fee. Unfortunately these companies technologies will never be able to even come close to achieving the criteria set to win the prize. 

Indeed, the criteria were set, rightly, to a very high level that only 4th or 5th generation, totally outside-of-the-box-out-the-door-down-the-road-over-the-lake-and-into-the-next-state technology will achieve. Therefore, rather than close the door on the prize, it should have been extended to allow for the development of this technology. It is not our (the next generation of sequencing rockstars) fault that the present old guard have limited their thinking and have settled with what they have got. 

Out of stagnation comes innovation… so reinstate it!!! 

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